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KHC Program Resources for Families

FIT Kids 360

FitKids360 is an obesity intervention program that educates children and their families about nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral health topics. The program requires a physician referral for children aged 5-17 years old and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater or equal to the 85th percentile for their age. Participants along with their families attend classes for 8- weeks comprised of physical and mental health education, along with 1 hour of physical activity.

On the Move

On the Move is a follow-up program to the FitKids360 program. This is a “couch-to-5k program,” where all Fitkids360 and their families train together for 10-weeks to complete a 5k race at the end of the summer.

Youth Mentoring Garden

The Youth Mentor Garden is a 10-week summer program that aims to give youth the tools to improve their mental health through nature, increase food autonomy, and empower Fit Kids to become changers in their communities. We do this by tending to a garden, facilitating conversations around healthy habits, and teaching life skills. The major themes of this program are horticulture as a healing strategy, finding and being part of good systems of support, and exposing participants to new skills and experiences. 

Managing Asthma Through Case-management in Homes (MATCH) Program

The MATCH program works to improve a patient’s asthma knowledge, asthma control, and quality of life through interaction with dedicated asthma educators. Asthma is the most common and one of the most debilitating conditions among children. The goal of this program is to empower children and their caregivers with information to enhance their self-knowledge and self-management skills concerning asthma.

FIT Families Healthy Minds

The FIT Families Healthy Minds program addresses the social and emotional needs of families, particularly those affected by trauma. Topics such as stress management, conflict resolution, emotions, self-esteem, and navigating social media are discussed in parent and children group sessions.

An 8-week, family-based program, focusing on the importance of having healthy minds and mental wellness.

  • Learn about mental health topics like stress, conflict, self-esteem, etc. 
  • Coping strategies to reduce stress 
  • Managing/resolving conflicts in your everyday life explore self-esteem-building practices. 
  • Learn about different resources in the community that can help improve mental health and well-being. 

Primary Care Medical Home Support

KHC seeks to bridge the gap between children, families, and the primary care office. Our community health worker staff helps families to schedule and keep doctor appointments, know when to go to the doctor’s office versus the emergency room, and meet other needs that may be preventing them from receiving quality care. Families also received social work support services in the areas of behavioral and mental health.

Community Resources

Your Baby Has You – You Have Text4Baby

Text Baby to 511411

Get FREE messages on your cell phone through your pregnancy and baby’s first year. This is a free service of ZERO TO THREE and Voxiva. Download the free app from the Apple Appstore or Google Play

Download Flier

Make sure your Medicaid or Healthy Michigan Plan insurance coverage doesn’t lapse

Do you get your health insurance from Medicaid or Healthy Michigan Plan?

To make sure your coverage doesn’t lapse, you need to:

  1. Go to your MiBridges account or create one here.
  2. Make sure that your contact information (address, phone, email) are up to date and correct.

Sign up for free e-notices so that you get fast communications from MDHHS.

Stay Connected

Kids’ Health Connections

3011 W. Grand Blvd., Ste 200
Detroit, MI 48202

Phone: (313) 863-2427 

Kids’ Health Connections is a program of the 501(c)(3) Southeastern Michigan Health Association.

New Site, Same Information!

Welcome to the newly launched Kids’ Health Connections website! You can find all the valuable content from our old site right here. Feel free to explore, and if you can’t locate something you need, our contact details are provided at the bottom of every page. Be sure to save our new web address for your next visit.